• System No. Building Element Product Max Size FRL System Detail Approval Reference
    panel® 1
    51mm, 64mm, 78mm Speedpanel® wall LVH44 1000mm x 1000mm Up to -/120/- General installation detail EXOVA EWFA RIR 21622-31
    panel® 2
    51mm, 64mm, 78mm Speedpanel® wall LVH44 450mm x 450mm Up to -/120/30 In duct angles both sides EXOVA EWFA 33233400
    panel® 3
    51mm, 64mm, 78mm Speedpanel® wall LVH44 450mm x 450mm Up to -/120/30 In duct angles both sides EXOVA EWFA 33233400
    panel® 4
    51mm, 64mm, 78mm Speedpanel® wall LVH44C Circular Up to 450mm diameter Up to -/120/60 In duct angles both sides EXOVA EWFA 33233400
    panel® 5
    51mm, 64mm, 78mm Speedpanel® wall LVH44 450mm x 450mm Up to -/120/30 Mounted in wall with eggcrate cover grille EXOVA EWFA 33233400

    Standard Version: Speedpanels® 1-5: AS1530.4 2014