This heavy duty fully mortised aluminium automatic drop seal features a silicone rubber gasket and internal fins. It is used to close the gap under single swing doors to maintain the acoustic, smoke and energy efficiency performance. The seal incorporates a high efficiency spring loaded mechanism that extends the seal as the door swings shut and automatically retracts it as the door is opened by just a
few centimetres.
Key benefits
Standard lengths
820mm (may be trimmed back to 720mm)
920mm (may be trimmed back to 820mm)
1070mm (may be trimmed back to 920mm).
Gap sizes
Up to 15mm.
Fixing method
Fixing screws are supplied, fixing holes are pre-drilled through the flanges.
Silver anodised aluminium, grey silicone rubber gasket, grey end caps.
Fire: Approved for use on proprietary AS1905.1 fire doors for up to 4 hour fire rating.
Smoke: AS1530.7 smoke test data on AS6905 compliant smoke door assemblies Conforms with BCA Specification C3.4 smoke sealing requirements.
Sound: Acoustically tested in accordance with ISO10140-2 and AS/NZS717.1 with ratings up to 40Rw on appropriate rated assemblies.
Durability: Long term mechanical test, completing 100,000 cycles without failure.